ID Q9V3E3_DROME Unreviewed; 189 AA. AC Q9V3E3; DT 01-MAY-2000, integrated into UniProtKB/TrEMBL. DT 01-MAY-2000, sequence version 1. DT 29-APR-2015, entry version 110. DE SubName: Full=CG8612-PA {ECO:0000313|EMBL:AAF50594.1}; DE SubName: Full=GM06185p {ECO:0000313|EMBL:AAM11103.1}; DE SubName: Full=RE06140p {ECO:0000313|EMBL:AAM29392.1}; GN Name=mRpL50 {ECO:0000313|EMBL:AAF50594.1, GN ECO:0000313|FlyBase:FBgn0028648}; GN ORFNames=CG8612 {ECO:0000313|FlyBase:FBgn0028648}, Dmel_CG8612 GN {ECO:0000313|EMBL:AAF50594.1}; OS Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly). OC Eukaryota; Metazoa; Ecdysozoa; Arthropoda; Hexapoda; Insecta; OC Pterygota; Neoptera; Endopterygota; Diptera; Brachycera; Muscomorpha; OC Ephydroidea; Drosophilidae; Drosophila; Sophophora. OX NCBI_TaxID=7227 {ECO:0000313|EMBL:AAF50594.1, ECO:0000313|Proteomes:UP000000803}; RN [1] {ECO:0000313|EMBL:AAF09579.1} RP NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE. 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DR UniGene; Dm.31179; -. DR MINT; MINT-929288; -. DR STRING; 7227.FBpp0076601; -. DR EnsemblMetazoa; FBtr0076891; FBpp0076601; FBgn0028648. DR GeneID; 38796; -. DR KEGG; dme:Dmel_CG8612; -. DR UCSC; CG8612-RA; d. melanogaster. DR CTD; 54534; -. DR FlyBase; FBgn0028648; mRpL50. DR eggNOG; NOG45547; -. DR GeneTree; ENSGT00560000078073; -. DR KO; K17431; -. DR OMA; LHIQYEY; -. DR OrthoDB; EOG7VQJG1; -. DR Reactome; REACT_348938; Mitochondrial translation termination. DR Reactome; REACT_353598; Mitochondrial translation elongation. DR GenomeRNAi; 38796; -. DR NextBio; 810419; -. DR PRO; PR:Q9V3E3; -. DR Proteomes; UP000000803; Chromosome 3L. DR GO; GO:0005739; C:mitochondrion; IEA:InterPro. DR GO; GO:0032543; P:mitochondrial translation; IC:FlyBase. DR InterPro; IPR018305; Ribosomal_L50_mt. DR Pfam; PF10501; Ribosomal_L50; 1. PE 2: Evidence at transcript level; KW Complete proteome {ECO:0000313|Proteomes:UP000000803}; KW Reference proteome {ECO:0000313|Proteomes:UP000000803}. SQ SEQUENCE 189 AA; 20927 MW; DF9017DFAEDB8C69 CRC64; MAAILRKTLI LAGSLHRSFA SAAKAAKAKP VKTSTISAVG ESIAAKGFLR PHKPYSPPAD AAERIRTVAA SLQLKSDQLG NLSEKFEFLN ACFQELQHGV PNSQVHELRT VSDVIAFYQT AVDTTVPFDA LKRIELPENL HIQYEYVRFH PETDTKFDGK TAFPKSSTLV TGLKYRGKYE GHEAKRSWP //