ID Q8UTE4 PRELIMINARY; PRT; 207 AA. AC Q8UTE4; DT 01-MAR-2002 (TrEMBLrel. 20, Created) DT 01-MAR-2002 (TrEMBLrel. 20, Last sequence update) DT 01-OCT-2003 (TrEMBLrel. 25, Last annotation update) DE Nef protein (Negative factor) (27 kDa protein). GN NEF. OS Human immunodeficiency virus 1. OC Viruses; Retroid viruses; Retroviridae; Lentivirus. OX NCBI_TaxID=11676; RN [1] RP SEQUENCE FROM N.A. RC STRAIN=00BW0874.21; RA Novitsky V.A., Smith U.R., Gilbert P., McLane M.F., Chigwedere P., RA Williamson C., Ndung'u T., Klein I., Chang S.-Y., Peter T., Thior I., RA Foley B.T., Gaolekwe S., Rybak N., Gaseitsiwe S., Vannberg F., RA Marlink R., Lee T.-H., Essex M.; RT "HIV-1 subtype C molecular phylogeny: consensus sequence for an AIDS RT vaccine design."; RL Submitted (OCT-2001) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. CC -!- FUNCTION: NEF has GTPase, GTP-binding and autophosphorylating CC activities. It seems to down-regulate the CD4(T4) antigen (By CC similarity). CC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see CC Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License CC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR EMBL; AF443090; AAL34705.1; -. DR GO; GO:0005525; F:GTP binding; IEA. DR InterPro; IPR001558; HIV_Nef. DR Pfam; PF00469; F-protein; 1. DR ProDom; PD000031; HIV_Nef; 1. KW AIDS; GTP-binding; Lipoprotein; Myristate. SQ SEQUENCE 207 AA; 23618 MW; CC6F0D421A738DE0 CRC64; MGGKWSKSSL TGWPAVRERI RRTEPAAEGV GEASQDLDKH GALTTSNTAA NNADCAWLQA HEEEGEVGFP VRPQVPLRPM TFKGAFDLGF FLKEKGGLEG LIWSQKRQDI LDLWVYHTQG YFPDWQNYTP GPGVRYPLTF GWPFKLVPVD PTEVEEANEG ENNCLLHPMS QHGMDDKDRE VLKWQFDSSL VRRHMARELH PEYYKDC //