ID RL1_MOOTA Reviewed; 231 AA. AC Q2RFN6; DT 23-OCT-2007, integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot. DT 24-JAN-2006, sequence version 1. DT 29-APR-2008, entry version 22. DE 50S ribosomal protein L1. GN Name=rplA; OrderedLocusNames=Moth_2471; OS Moorella thermoacetica (strain ATCC 39073). OC Bacteria; Firmicutes; Clostridia; Thermoanaerobacteriales; OC Thermoanaerobacteriaceae; Moorella group; Moorella. OX NCBI_TaxID=264732; RN [1] RP NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [LARGE SCALE GENOMIC DNA]. RA Copeland A., Lucas S., Lapidus A., Barry K., Detter J.C., Glavina T., RA Hammon N., Israni S., Pitluck S., Chertkov O., Saunders E.H., RA Brettin T., Bruce D., Han C., Tapia R., Gilna P., Schmutz J., RA Larimer F., Land M., Kyrpides N., Anderson I., Richardson P., RA Ragsdale S.; RT "Complete sequence of Moorella thermoacetica ATCC 39073."; RL Submitted (DEC-2005) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. CC -!- FUNCTION: Binds directly to 23S rRNA. The L1 stalk is quite mobile CC in the ribosome, and is involved in E site tRNA release (By CC similarity). CC -!- FUNCTION: Protein L1 is also a translational repressor protein, it CC controls the translation of the L11 operon by binding to its mRNA CC (By similarity). CC -!- SUBUNIT: Part of the 50S ribosomal subunit. CC -!- SIMILARITY: Belongs to the ribosomal protein L1P family. CC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see CC Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License CC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR EMBL; CP000232; ABC20753.1; -; Genomic_DNA. DR RefSeq; YP_431296.1; -. DR GeneID; 3831205; -. DR GenomeReviews; CP000232_GR; Moth_2471. DR KEGG; mta:Moth_2471; -. DR NMPDR; fig|264732.9.peg.2503; -. DR BioCyc; MTHE264732:MOTH_2471-MON; -. DR GO; GO:0019843; F:rRNA binding; IEA:HAMAP. DR HAMAP; MF_01318; -; 1. DR InterPro; IPR005878; Ribosom_L1_bac-type. DR InterPro; IPR002143; Ribosomal_L1. DR InterPro; IPR016094; Ribosomal_L1_2-a/b-sand. DR Gene3D; G3DSA:; Ribosomal_L1_2-a/b-sand; 1. DR Pfam; PF00687; Ribosomal_L1; 1. DR PIRSF; PIRSF002155; Ribosomal_L1; 1. DR ProDom; PD001314; Ribosomal_L1; 1. DR TIGRFAMs; TIGR01169; rplA_bact; 1. DR PROSITE; PS01199; RIBOSOMAL_L1; 1. PE 3: Inferred from homology; KW Complete proteome; Repressor; Ribonucleoprotein; Ribosomal protein; KW RNA-binding; rRNA-binding; Translation regulation; tRNA-binding. FT CHAIN 1 231 50S ribosomal protein L1. FT /FTId=PRO_0000308048. SQ SEQUENCE 231 AA; 25012 MW; 84A0D0B590FE5691 CRC64; MPKHGKRYRE VSKLVSRQEL YEPDEAIELL KKTASAKFDE TVEVAVKLGV DPRHADQQVR GTVVLPNGTG KTRRVLVFAK GDKAKEAEEA GADFVGAEDL VEKIQGGWLD FDVAIATPDM MGLVGRLGRI LGPRGLMPNP KAGTVTMDIA RAVKEVKAGK IEFRVDKTAI IHAPIGKASF EASKLKENFQ ALMDALLRAK PATAKGQYLK SVSLATTMGP GIRVNPLRAV K //