ID RK12_HELSJ Reviewed; 135 AA. AC Q2EEW8; DT 13-NOV-2007, integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot. DT 21-MAR-2006, sequence version 1. DT 09-DEC-2015, entry version 48. DE RecName: Full=50S ribosomal protein L12, plastid; GN Name=rpl12 {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_00368}; OS Helicosporidium sp. subsp. Simulium jonesii (Green alga). OG Plastid; Non-photosynthetic plastid. OC Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Chlorophyta; Trebouxiophyceae; Chlorellales; OC Helicosporidium. OX NCBI_TaxID=145475; RN [1] RP NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [LARGE SCALE GENOMIC DNA]. RX PubMed=16630350; DOI=10.1186/1741-7007-4-12; RA de Koning A.P., Keeling P.J.; RT "The complete plastid genome sequence of the parasitic green alga, RT Helicosporidium sp. is highly reduced and structured."; RL BMC Biol. 4:12-12(2006). CC -!- FUNCTION: Forms part of the ribosomal stalk which helps the CC ribosome interact with GTP-bound translation factors. Is thus CC essential for accurate translation. {ECO:0000255|HAMAP- CC Rule:MF_00368}. CC -!- SUBUNIT: Homodimer. Part of the ribosomal stalk of the 50S CC ribosomal subunit. Forms a multimeric L10(L12)X complex, where L10 CC forms an elongated spine to which 2 to 4 L12 dimers bind in a CC sequential fashion. Binds GTP-bound translation factors. CC {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_00368}. CC -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Plastid. CC -!- SIMILARITY: Belongs to the ribosomal protein L7/L12P family. CC {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_00368}. CC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see CC Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License CC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR EMBL; DQ398104; ABD33974.1; -; Genomic_DNA. DR RefSeq; YP_635926.1; NC_008100.1. DR ProteinModelPortal; Q2EEW8; -. DR GeneID; 4100420; -. DR GO; GO:0009536; C:plastid; IEA:UniProtKB-SubCell. DR GO; GO:0005840; C:ribosome; IEA:UniProtKB-KW. DR GO; GO:0003735; F:structural constituent of ribosome; IEA:InterPro. DR GO; GO:0006412; P:translation; IEA:UniProtKB-HAMAP. DR Gene3D; 3.30.1390.10; -; 1. DR HAMAP; MF_00368; Ribosomal_L7_L12; 1. DR InterPro; IPR000206; Ribosomal_L7/12. DR InterPro; IPR014719; Ribosomal_L7/12_C/ClpS-like. DR InterPro; IPR013823; Ribosomal_L7/L12_C. DR InterPro; IPR008932; Ribosomal_L7/L12_oligo. DR Pfam; PF00542; Ribosomal_L12; 1. DR ProDom; PD001326; Ribosomal_L7/L12_C; 1. DR SUPFAM; SSF48300; SSF48300; 1. DR SUPFAM; SSF54736; SSF54736; 1. PE 3: Inferred from homology; KW Plastid; Ribonucleoprotein; Ribosomal protein. FT CHAIN 1 135 50S ribosomal protein L12, plastid. FT /FTId=PRO_0000309001. SQ SEQUENCE 135 AA; 14982 MW; 22D2551ACBB7A3DB CRC64; MTFNKKINEI ITLLSDLNIL ELNSLINEIR NQFQIPDIVS TIQTGNKTKP EANIIEQKES AEIKKSNFEL ILQTVPTEKR VAVLKAIRNT TSLDLKGAKD SIADLPKKLL DNLSLEEAEK AKTLLEEAGA TVILA //