ID O89272_ILTV Unreviewed; 222 AA. AC O89272; DT 01-NOV-1998, integrated into UniProtKB/TrEMBL. DT 01-NOV-1998, sequence version 1. DT 07-JUL-2009, entry version 22. DE SubName: Full=Genes for glycoprotein K, regulatory protein ICP27, glycoprotein and ORF 873 signal, complete cds; OS Infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) (Gallid herpesvirus 1). OC Viruses; dsDNA viruses, no RNA stage; Herpesvirales; Herpesviridae; OC Alphaherpesvirinae; Iltovirus. OX NCBI_TaxID=10386; OH NCBI_TaxID=9031; Gallus gallus (Chicken). RN [1] RP NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE. RC STRAIN=HPRS24; RX MEDLINE=94233763; PubMed=8178479; DOI=10.1006/viro.1994.1275; RA Ono M., Kawaguchi Y., Maeda K., Kamiya N., Tohya Y., Kai C., RA Niikura M., Mikami T.; RT "Nucleotide sequence analysis of Marek's disease virus (MDV) serotype RT 2 homolog of MDV serotype 1 pp38, an antigen associated with RT transformed cells."; RL Virology 201:142-146(1994). RN [2] RP NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE. RC STRAIN=HPRS24; RX MEDLINE=99239785; PubMed=10225279; DOI=10.1016/S0168-1702(99)00010-6; RA Tsushima Y., Jang H.K., Izumiya Y., Cai J.S., Kato K., Miyazawa T., RA Kai C., Takahashi E., Mikami T.; RT "Gene arrangement and RNA transcription of the BamHI fragments K and RT M2 within the non-oncogenic Marek's disease virus serotype 2 unique RT long genome region."; RL Virus Res. 60:101-110(1999). CC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see CC Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License CC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR EMBL; AB016433; BAA33005.1; -; Genomic_DNA. PE 4: Predicted; SQ SEQUENCE 222 AA; 25163 MW; 859F143D68AE4A8E CRC64; MTMHCRPQVQ RCANYDSTSD APTQTGFPMW LTPRELSPTN VYGIVARPVL LTHAGGPINS VLTGGWKGRM VTATSSICER ILLWVADTQR SSPSTGSFDH AWFLAVGTPW FLGRNILPKE LLWFLTDRCR KEVSIVLTDM PMTLKTVFRQ FHSNHTSEIK PALLMNPRRF TEIGTRRKTI YLCESAMREN FSTHGMLISC VCALAWRAPV LIIHKNTREL VQ //