ID TI110_PEA Reviewed; 996 AA. AC O24303; O24293; DT 19-OCT-2011, integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot. DT 01-JAN-1998, sequence version 1. DT 19-OCT-2011, entry version 37. DE RecName: Full=Protein TIC110, chloroplastic; DE AltName: Full=Chloroplast inner envelope protein, 110 kDa; DE Short=psIEP110; DE AltName: Full=IAP100; DE AltName: Full=Translocon at the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts 110; DE Flags: Precursor; GN Name=TIC110; Synonyms=IEP110; OS Pisum sativum (Garden pea). OC Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; OC Spermatophyta; Magnoliophyta; eudicotyledons; core eudicotyledons; OC rosids; fabids; Fabales; Fabaceae; Papilionoideae; Fabeae; Pisum. OX NCBI_TaxID=3888; RN [1] RP NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [MRNA], PROTEIN SEQUENCE OF 38-46, SUBCELLULAR RP LOCATION, AND TOPOLOGY. RX PubMed=8861951; RA Luebeck J., Soll J., Akita M., Nielsen E., Keegstra K.; RT "Topology of IEP110, a component of the chloroplastic protein import RT machinery present in the inner envelope membrane."; RL EMBO J. 15:4230-4238(1996). RN [2] RP NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [MRNA]. RX MEDLINE=96353878; PubMed=8755536; DOI=10.1073/pnas.93.15.7684; RA Kessler F., Blobel G.; RT "Interaction of the protein import and folding machineries of the RT chloroplast."; RL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 93:7684-7689(1996). RN [3] RP DOMAIN. RX PubMed=9182662; RA Luebeck J., Heins L., Soll J.; RT "A nuclear-coded chloroplastic inner envelope membrane protein uses a RT soluble sorting intermediate upon import into the organelle."; RL J. Cell Biol. 137:1279-1286(1997). RN [4] RP TOPOLOGY. RX PubMed=9632730; RA Jackson D.T., Froehlich J.E., Keegstra K.; RT "The hydrophilic domain of Tic110, an inner envelope membrane RT component of the chloroplastic protein translocation apparatus, faces RT the stromal compartment."; RL J. Biol. Chem. 273:16583-16588(1998). RN [5] RP FUNCTION, AND INTERACTION WIT HHSP93; CPN60; TOC75 AND TOC159. RX PubMed=12874276; DOI=10.1074/jbc.M306367200; RA Inaba T., Li M., Alvarez-Huerta M., Kessler F., Schnell D.J.; RT "atTic110 functions as a scaffold for coordinating the stromal events RT of protein import into chloroplasts."; RL J. Biol. Chem. 278:38617-38627(2003). RN [6] RP INTERACTION WITH TIC32. RX PubMed=15180984; DOI=10.1074/jbc.M402817200; RA Hoermann F., Kuechler M., Sveshnikov D., Oppermann U., Li Y., Soll J.; RT "Tic32, an essential component in chloroplast biogenesis."; RL J. Biol. Chem. 279:34756-34762(2004). RN [7] RP FUNCTION, AND TOPOLOGY. RX PubMed=18986981; DOI=10.1074/jbc.M807134200; RA Balsera M., Goetze T.A., Kovacs-Bogdan E., Schuermann P., Wagner R., RA Buchanan B.B., Soll J., Boelter B.; RT "Characterization of Tic110, a channel-forming protein at the inner RT envelope membrane of chloroplasts, unveils a response to Ca(2+) and a RT stromal regulatory disulfide bridge."; RL J. Biol. Chem. 284:2603-2616(2009). RN [8] RP INDUCTION BY COLD. RX PubMed=19403728; DOI=10.1104/pp.109.137265; RA Dutta S., Mohanty S., Tripathy B.C.; RT "Role of temperature stress on chloroplast biogenesis and protein RT import in pea."; RL Plant Physiol. 150:1050-1061(2009). RN [9] RP REVIEW. RX PubMed=20100520; DOI=10.1016/j.bbamcr.2010.01.015; RA Kovacs-Bogdan E., Soll J., Bolter B.; RT "Protein import into chloroplasts: the Tic complex and its RT regulation."; RL Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1803:740-747(2010). CC -!- FUNCTION: Involved in protein precursor import into chloroplasts. CC Forms a voltage-dependent cation-selective channel at the inner CC envelope of chloroplasts, which specifically responds to a transit CC peptide. Calcium acts as an effector of gating and selectivity. CC -!- SUBUNIT: Part of the Tic complex. Interacts with TIC32, HSP93 and CC CPN60. Interacts with the Toc complex components TOC75 and TOC159. CC Binds specifically chloroplast pre-proteins. CC -!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Plastid, chloroplast inner membrane; Multi- CC pass membrane protein (Probable). CC -!- INDUCTION: Down-regulated by cold stress. CC -!- DOMAIN: The N1 region (38-149) is sufficient for re-targeting to CC the inner membrane and proper insertion. The N2 region (150-269) CC may act as a start transfer signal, but it cannot direct proteins CC to the inner envelope. CC -!- PTM: Contains at least one interchain redox-active disulfide bond. CC -!- MISCELLANEOUS: PubMed:9632730 shows that the region 121-996 is CC located in the stroma while PubMed:18986981 indicates that it CC contains probably 4 trans-membrane domains resulting in 2 regions CC in the intermembrane space localized to form supercomplexes with CC the TOC machinery and to receive the transit peptide of pre- CC proteins. CC -!- MISCELLANEOUS: Inserts into the inner envelope membrane from the CC stroma after import from the cytoplasm. CC -!- SIMILARITY: Belongs to the chloroplast envelope anion channel- CC forming Tic110 (TC 1.A.18) family. CC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see CC Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License CC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR EMBL; Z68506; CAA92823.1; -; mRNA. DR EMBL; U56419; AAC49399.1; -; mRNA. DR PIR; S71750; S71750. DR TCDB; 1.A.18.1.1; chloroplast envelope anion channel-forming Tic110 family. PE 1: Evidence at protein level; KW Chloroplast; Direct protein sequencing; Disulfide bond; Membrane; KW Plastid; Plastid inner membrane; Protein transport; Transit peptide; KW Transmembrane; Transmembrane helix; Transport. FT TRANSIT 1 37 Chloroplast. FT CHAIN 38 996 Protein TIC110, chloroplastic. FT /FTId=PRO_0000413669. FT TOPO_DOM 38 73 Stromal (Probable). FT TRANSMEM 74 92 Helical; (Probable). FT TOPO_DOM 93 100 Chloroplast intermembrane (Probable). FT TRANSMEM 101 120 Helical; (Probable). FT TOPO_DOM 121 244 Stromal (Probable). FT TRANSMEM 245 262 Helical; (Probable). FT TOPO_DOM 263 349 Chloroplast intermembrane (Probable). FT TRANSMEM 350 367 Helical; (Probable). FT TOPO_DOM 368 613 Stromal (Probable). FT TRANSMEM 614 631 Helical; (Probable). FT TOPO_DOM 632 702 Chloroplast intermembrane (Probable). FT TRANSMEM 703 719 Helical; (Probable). FT TOPO_DOM 720 996 Stromal (Probable). FT COMPBIAS 46 49 Poly-Ser. FT COMPBIAS 72 129 Ala-rich. FT COMPBIAS 726 729 Poly-Lys. FT CONFLICT 313 313 C -> R (in Ref. 1; CAA92823). FT CONFLICT 359 359 I -> L (in Ref. 1; CAA92823). FT CONFLICT 364 364 A -> S (in Ref. 1; CAA92823). FT CONFLICT 416 416 L -> P (in Ref. 1; CAA92823). FT CONFLICT 594 594 K -> R (in Ref. 1; CAA92823). FT CONFLICT 662 688 MRITSDTQENKTGQRACRKDGKAWSDR -> WESLQTLKKT FT RPDKELVEKMGKPGQTE (in Ref. 1; CAA92823). FT CONFLICT 919 919 F -> S (in Ref. 1; CAA92823). SQ SEQUENCE 996 AA; 109982 MW; E36649FF7A0C2680 CRC64; MNPSTLKPSH THPSLLLPAP SPLRTQRRRF RVSLPRCSSD TNNPASSSSP PQRPPKELNG IEILVDKLSS PARLATSAVI VAGAVAAGYG LGSRFGGSRN AALGGAVALG AAGGAAAYAL NAAAPQVAAV NLHNYVAGFD DPSILTREDI EVIANKYGVS KQDEAFKAEI CDIYSEFVSS VIPPGGEELK GDEVDKIVNF KSSLGLDDPD AAAVHMEIGR KLFRQRLEVG DREGGVEQRR AFQKLIYVSN IVFGDASSFL LPWKRVFKVT ESQVEVAIRD NAQRLYASKL KSVGRDFDLG KLVTLKETQS LCCLSDELAE NLFREHARKL VEENISVALG ILKSRTRAVP GVSQVVEEIE KVLAFNDLLI SFKNHSDIDR LARGVGPVSL VGGEYDADRK IEDLKLLYRA YVSDALSSGR MEDNKFAALN QLKNIFGLGK REAEAILLDI TRKVYRKRLG QTVSSGELEM ADSKAAFLQN LCDELHFDPQ KASELHEEIY RQKLQQCVAD GELTDENVAA LLKLRVMLCV PQQTVEAAHA EICGNLFEKI VKDAIASGVD GYDDETKKSV RKAAHGLRLT KETALSIASK AVRKMFITYV KRSRSAKGNG ESAKELKKLI AFNTLVVTKL VEDIKGESPD VKIEEPKIEE PEEIRESEEY EMRITSDTQE NKTGQRACRK DGKAWSDRIT LKDDLPEKDR ADLYKTFLTY CLTGDVVRIP FGVEIKKKKD DTEYIYLNQL GGILGLTGKV IMDVHRGLAE QAFRKQAEVL LADGQLTKAR VEQLGKMQKE IGLSQEYAQK IIKNITTTKM AAAIETAVTQ GKLNMKQIRE LKESNVDLDS MVSVSLRETI FKKTVGDIFS SGTGEFDEEE VYEKIPLDLN INKEKARGVV CELAQNRLSN SLIQAVALLR QRNHKGVVFS LNNLLACDKA VPSQTLSWEV SEELSDLYTI YLKSDPSPEK LSRLQYLLGI NDSTAAALRD SEDSLLETAE EEKFVF //