ID   E3CTS5_DROME            Unreviewed;        30 AA.
AC   E3CTS5;
DT   11-JAN-2011, integrated into UniProtKB/TrEMBL.
DT   11-JAN-2011, sequence version 1.
DT   24-JUL-2013, entry version 8.
DE   SubName: Full=Integrin linked kinase, isoform B;
DE            EC=2.7.11.-;
DE   SubName: Full=MIP27912p;
GN   Name=Ilk-RA; Synonyms=Ilk; ORFNames=Dmel_CG10504;
OS   Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly).
OC   Eukaryota; Metazoa; Ecdysozoa; Arthropoda; Hexapoda; Insecta;
OC   Pterygota; Neoptera; Endopterygota; Diptera; Brachycera; Muscomorpha;
OC   Ephydroidea; Drosophilidae; Drosophila; Sophophora.
OX   NCBI_TaxID=7227;
RN   [1]
RC   STRAIN=Berkeley;
RX   PubMed=10731132; DOI=10.1126/science.287.5461.2185;
RA   Adams M.D., Celniker S.E., Holt R.A., Evans C.A., Gocayne J.D.,
RA   Amanatides P.G., Scherer S.E., Li P.W., Hoskins R.A., Galle R.F.,
RA   George R.A., Lewis S.E., Richards S., Ashburner M., Henderson S.N.,
RA   Sutton G.G., Wortman J.R., Yandell M.D., Zhang Q., Chen L.X.,
RA   Brandon R.C., Rogers Y.-H.C., Blazej R.G., Champe M., Pfeiffer B.D.,
RA   Wan K.H., Doyle C., Baxter E.G., Helt G., Nelson C.R., Miklos G.L.G.,
RA   Abril J.F., Agbayani A., An H.-J., Andrews-Pfannkoch C., Baldwin D.,
RA   Ballew R.M., Basu A., Baxendale J., Bayraktaroglu L., Beasley E.M.,
RA   Beeson K.Y., Benos P.V., Berman B.P., Bhandari D., Bolshakov S.,
RA   Borkova D., Botchan M.R., Bouck J., Brokstein P., Brottier P.,
RA   Burtis K.C., Busam D.A., Butler H., Cadieu E., Center A., Chandra I.,
RA   Cherry J.M., Cawley S., Dahlke C., Davenport L.B., Davies P.,
RA   de Pablos B., Delcher A., Deng Z., Mays A.D., Dew I., Dietz S.M.,
RA   Dodson K., Doup L.E., Downes M., Dugan-Rocha S., Dunkov B.C., Dunn P.,
RA   Durbin K.J., Evangelista C.C., Ferraz C., Ferriera S., Fleischmann W.,
RA   Fosler C., Gabrielian A.E., Garg N.S., Gelbart W.M., Glasser K.,
RA   Glodek A., Gong F., Gorrell J.H., Gu Z., Guan P., Harris M.,
RA   Harris N.L., Harvey D.A., Heiman T.J., Hernandez J.R., Houck J.,
RA   Hostin D., Houston K.A., Howland T.J., Wei M.-H., Ibegwam C.,
RA   Jalali M., Kalush F., Karpen G.H., Ke Z., Kennison J.A., Ketchum K.A.,
RA   Kimmel B.E., Kodira C.D., Kraft C.L., Kravitz S., Kulp D., Lai Z.,
RA   Lasko P., Lei Y., Levitsky A.A., Li J.H., Li Z., Liang Y., Lin X.,
RA   Liu X., Mattei B., McIntosh T.C., McLeod M.P., McPherson D.,
RA   Merkulov G., Milshina N.V., Mobarry C., Morris J., Moshrefi A.,
RA   Mount S.M., Moy M., Murphy B., Murphy L., Muzny D.M., Nelson D.L.,
RA   Nelson D.R., Nelson K.A., Nixon K., Nusskern D.R., Pacleb J.M.,
RA   Palazzolo M., Pittman G.S., Pan S., Pollard J., Puri V., Reese M.G.,
RA   Reinert K., Remington K., Saunders R.D.C., Scheeler F., Shen H.,
RA   Shue B.C., Siden-Kiamos I., Simpson M., Skupski M.P., Smith T.J.,
RA   Spier E., Spradling A.C., Stapleton M., Strong R., Sun E.,
RA   Svirskas R., Tector C., Turner R., Venter E., Wang A.H., Wang X.,
RA   Wang Z.-Y., Wassarman D.A., Weinstock G.M., Weissenbach J.,
RA   Williams S.M., Woodage T., Worley K.C., Wu D., Yang S., Yao Q.A.,
RA   Ye J., Yeh R.-F., Zaveri J.S., Zhan M., Zhang G., Zhao Q., Zheng L.,
RA   Zheng X.H., Zhong F.N., Zhong W., Zhou X., Zhu S.C., Zhu X.,
RA   Smith H.O., Gibbs R.A., Myers E.W., Rubin G.M., Venter J.C.;
RT   "The genome sequence of Drosophila melanogaster.";
RL   Science 287:2185-2195(2000).
RN   [2]
RX   PubMed=12537568;
RA   Celniker S.E., Wheeler D.A., Kronmiller B., Carlson J.W., Halpern A.,
RA   Patel S., Adams M., Champe M., Dugan S.P., Frise E., Hodgson A.,
RA   George R.A., Hoskins R.A., Laverty T., Muzny D.M., Nelson C.R.,
RA   Pacleb J.M., Park S., Pfeiffer B.D., Richards S., Sodergren E.J.,
RA   Svirskas R., Tabor P.E., Wan K., Stapleton M., Sutton G.G., Venter C.,
RA   Weinstock G., Scherer S.E., Myers E.W., Gibbs R.A., Rubin G.M.;
RT   "Finishing a whole-genome shotgun: release 3 of the Drosophila
RT   melanogaster euchromatic genome sequence.";
RL   Genome Biol. 3:RESEARCH0079-RESEARCH0079(2002).
RN   [3]
RC   STRAIN=Berkeley;
RX   PubMed=12537572;
RA   Misra S., Crosby M.A., Mungall C.J., Matthews B.B., Campbell K.S.,
RA   Hradecky P., Huang Y., Kaminker J.S., Millburn G.H., Prochnik S.E.,
RA   Smith C.D., Tupy J.L., Whitfield E.J., Bayraktaroglu L., Berman B.P.,
RA   Bettencourt B.R., Celniker S.E., de Grey A.D.N.J., Drysdale R.A.,
RA   Harris N.L., Richter J., Russo S., Schroeder A.J., Shu S.Q.,
RA   Stapleton M., Yamada C., Ashburner M., Gelbart W.M., Rubin G.M.,
RA   Lewis S.E.;
RT   "Annotation of the Drosophila melanogaster euchromatic genome: a
RT   systematic review.";
RL   Genome Biol. 3:RESEARCH0083.1-RESEARCH0083.22(2002).
RN   [4]
RX   PubMed=12537573;
RA   Kaminker J.S., Bergman C.M., Kronmiller B., Carlson J., Svirskas R.,
RA   Patel S., Frise E., Wheeler D.A., Lewis S.E., Rubin G.M.,
RA   Ashburner M., Celniker S.E.;
RT   "The transposable elements of the Drosophila melanogaster euchromatin:
RT   a genomics perspective.";
RL   Genome Biol. 3:RESEARCH0084-RESEARCH0084(2002).
RN   [5]
RX   PubMed=12537574;
RA   Hoskins R.A., Smith C.D., Carlson J.W., Carvalho A.B., Halpern A.,
RA   Kaminker J.S., Kennedy C., Mungall C.J., Sullivan B.A., Sutton G.G.,
RA   Yasuhara J.C., Wakimoto B.T., Myers E.W., Celniker S.E., Rubin G.M.,
RA   Karpen G.H.;
RT   "Heterochromatic sequences in a Drosophila whole-genome shotgun
RT   assembly.";
RL   Genome Biol. 3:RESEARCH0085-RESEARCH0085(2002).
RN   [6]
RX   PubMed=16110336; DOI=10.1371/journal.pcbi.0010022;
RA   Quesneville H., Bergman C.M., Andrieu O., Autard D., Nouaud D.,
RA   Ashburner M., Anxolabehere D.;
RT   "Combined evidence annotation of transposable elements in genome
RT   sequences.";
RL   PLoS Comput. Biol. 1:166-175(2005).
RN   [7]
RA   Celniker S., Carlson J., Wan K., Frise E., Hoskins R., Park S.,
RA   Svirskas R., Rubin G.;
RL   Submitted (AUG-2006) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RN   [8]
RG   Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project;
RA   Celniker S., Carlson J., Wan K., Pfeiffer B., Frise E., George R.,
RA   Hoskins R., Stapleton M., Pacleb J., Park S., Svirskas R., Smith E.,
RA   Yu C., Rubin G.;
RT   "Drosophila melanogaster release 4 sequence.";
RL   Submitted (SEP-2006) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RN   [9]
RX   PubMed=17569856; DOI=10.1126/science.1139815;
RA   Smith C.D., Shu S., Mungall C.J., Karpen G.H.;
RT   "The Release 5.1 annotation of Drosophila melanogaster
RT   heterochromatin.";
RL   Science 316:1586-1591(2007).
RN   [10]
RX   PubMed=17569867; DOI=10.1126/science.1139816;
RA   Hoskins R.A., Carlson J.W., Kennedy C., Acevedo D., Evans-Holm M.,
RA   Frise E., Wan K.H., Park S., Mendez-Lago M., Rossi F., Villasante A.,
RA   Dimitri P., Karpen G.H., Celniker S.E.;
RT   "Sequence finishing and mapping of Drosophila melanogaster
RT   heterochromatin.";
RL   Science 316:1625-1628(2007).
RN   [11]
RA   Carlson J., Booth B., Frise E., Sandler J., Wan K., Yu C.,
RA   Celniker S.;
RL   Submitted (NOV-2010) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RN   [12]
RG   FlyBase;
RL   Submitted (DEC-2012) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC   Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see
CC   Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License
CC   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
DR   EMBL; BT125741; ADP30892.1; -; mRNA.
DR   EMBL; AE014296; AFH04531.1; -; Genomic_DNA.
DR   RefSeq; NP_001246860.1; NM_001259931.1.
DR   UniGene; Dm.1725; -.
DR   EnsemblMetazoa; FBtr0307160; FBpp0297989; FBgn0028427.
DR   GeneID; 53573; -.
DR   KEGG; dme:Dmel_CG10504; -.
DR   CTD; 3611; -.
DR   GeneTree; ENSGT00710000106233; -.
DR   KO; K06272; -.
DR   GenomeRNAi; 53573; -.
DR   Bgee; E3CTS5; -.
DR   GO; GO:0016301; F:kinase activity; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
DR   GO; GO:0007229; P:integrin-mediated signaling pathway; IEA:UniProtKB-KW.
PE   4: Predicted;
KW   Complete proteome; Integrin; Kinase; Reference proteome; Transferase.
SQ   SEQUENCE   30 AA;  3658 MW;  5A1645B60FD1EB69 CRC64;